Do You Have Several Hours Available? We Need You!

The Society has several projects where additional help is needed.  The work is not hard, nor is it complicated.  In fact, those community members that are helping, actually enjoy sitting in the air-conditioned Lyon School, and being a partner in these vital history projects of our community.

One project is the Early Newspaper Research.  In acquiring information from the past, one method is to read early newspapers.  Since we have a small community, our earlier newspapers were dominated by local community news. Early news is relevant, whether it is the obituary of a community member, establishment of a new business or the construction associated with a municipal project.  This important documentation of our past needs to be compiled before the news is lost due to deterioration of newsprint.

The other project is the Digitizing Project, which involves minor use of the computer and scanner.  The historical records in the Lyon School archive room are being digitized using the scanner.  Cropping of the borders of the scanned information is done to remove imperfections just as you might do cropping for your photos in your family’s scrapbook.  It is not difficult, it is actually fun. 

Join us at the historic Lyon one-room schoolhouse.  Pick up the phone or send me an email.  You can find this information at the top left of the front page of this newsletter below my name.  I guarantee that you will be smiling or chuckling as you read the information from the past.

It is easy to be an active participant.  Time is flexible.  Several hours of your time will help preserve the past for others to enjoy!   WE NEED YOU!

Jim Vichich